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A Secure Application For Patients to Complete Symptom Rating Scales and View Results

Current patients can complete symptom and mood rating scales on, whether in-office or at- home, and this information can be directly brought into the physician’s notes, along with ketamine dosing or TMS stimulation parameters. These rating scales are crucial to how psychiatrists gauge whether TMS and Ketamine is working. In fact, this feature in BrainCloud removes the friction in the practice of “measurement based care” (MBC) and helps practices move away from conventional pen and paper for rating scales. Studies have shown superior patient outcomes when clinicians use symptom-based rating scales to drive care decisions, yet the traditional written forms have not been adopted widely in practice, and when they have, delays in data entry prevent clinicians from having the most current ratings available. BrainCloud eliminates this problem by direct electronic data capture of patient data, thus improving care while reducing provider liability.

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Privacy-Focused Security

Patients receive anonymized credentials and access to an account that never lists their name or any personally identifying data. This removes significant risks regarding information security, patient privacy, and liability for a practice. Additionally, every login requires entering an ID number associated with the practice that manages the patient portal account. This additional authentication factor makes it more difficult for non-authorized persons, and more secure for authorized ones.

Only the practice knows the identity mapping of each patient to the randomized numeric identifier associated with their account. Access can be revoked at any time.

Once signed in, patients can start and then finish later, or complete in one sitting, any symptom rating scale assigned to them before, between, or after any number of TMS or Ketamine treatment sessions.