

Symptom Rating Scales

Securely Allow Patients to Take Various Mood Scales Wherever They Are

Clinical Global Impressions Scale (Severity)
Clinical Global Impressions Scale (Improvement)
Montgomery–Åsberg Depression Rating Scale (MADRS)
Zung Self-Rating Depression Scale
Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale

No one would try to manage hypertension without regular blood pressure measurements. Now, BrainCloud lets you integrate measurement-based care into your mental health practice seamlessly. No longer just for researchers, all clinicians can now benefit from quantitative data on how their patients are responding to treatment.


Current patients can complete symptom and mood rating scales via the portal, whether in-office or at- home, and this information can be directly brought into the physician’s notes, along with ketamine dosing or TMS stimulation parameters. These rating scales are crucial to how psychiatrists gauge whether TMS and Ketamine is working. In fact, this feature in BrainCloud removes the friction in the practice of “measurement based care” (MBC) and helps practices move away from conventional pen and paper for rating scales. Studies have shown superior patient outcomes when clinicians use symptom-based rating scales to drive care decisions, yet the traditional written forms have not been adopted widely in practice, and when they have, delays in data entry prevent clinicians from having the most current ratings available. BrainCloud eliminates this problem by direct electronic data capture of patient data, thus improving care while reducing provider liability.

BrainCloud offers you and your patients the ability to monitor symptom change and life function over time, not just at office visits but in the days and weeks in-between. Using advanced encryption and HIPAA-compliant data security, patients can self-rate themselves whenever and wherever you want them to. Clinicians want the data to inform treatment decisions, patients are reassure by seeing their improvement graphically, and insurers demand the information for payment.


Take-Home or Clinician Administered

Symptom rating scales can be taken by a patient in's secure patient portal, or can be administered by a clinician in-office.


View Individual Answers

Of course, clinicians can view each patient's individual responses for each assigned symptom rating scale. Simple and straightforward, selected answers are bolded among the available choices, allowing specific lookups of answers to particular questions.


Within Treatment Courses

Any symptom rating scale in is created in the context of a patient's TMS or Ketamine treatment course. You can see when a patient took the symptom rating scale, the total symptom rating scale score, or click on the "Details" button to see the patient's answers to specific questions asked by the test.